Farhana Akter, Programme Co-ordinator of VOICE successfully completed “Master of Arts in Inter-Asia NGO Studies” with distinction from SungKongHoe University, South Korea.
As part of her Master’s thesis, she performed a comprehensive analysis on communication surveillance in Bangladesh which received the best thesis award.
In this dissertation, which goes through an extensive list of reference materials, Farhana outlines the several facets of communication surveillance ranging from local to national and global level. Her work reveals how surveillance has become a key site for understanding the workings of power within the global informational economy. Truely, surveillance is no longer merely a matter of deliberate, individual scrutiny and consequent fears for personal privacy. It has become an everyday experience, run by myriad agencies for multiple purposes and exempting no one.
Furthermore, every state has the obligation to respect, protect and fulfil human rights – Farhana argues, and privacy is one of those rights. This thesis elaborates on the links among privacy, human rights and global surveillance and reviews critical challenges.
We believe Farhana’s dissertation will help in shedding a much needed, holistic light on this matter and people from all walks of the society including academia, civil society, as well as common citizens, will benefit from reading it.
You can read and download the complete theses paper here – https://issuu.com/farhanaakter/docs/farhana_akter_thesis_paper