Article on Technical Cooperation in Bangladesh

“Vision 21 Plan, also known as the Perspective Plan (2010 – 2021), provides a road map for economic growth whereby Bangladesh will become a middle-income country by the year 2021. It was developed with the assumption that foreign aid will continue to play an important role in the country’s development.

Although foreign aid contributions have been decreasing, they still figure prominently the country’s Annual Development Plan (ADP) with more than 30% of the ADP being supported by aid in 2015. However, several studies have identified concerns regarding the management and coordination of foreign aid as well as its alignment with national development plans and strategies. In the case of aid delivered through Technical Assistance (TA), country ownership, alignment and effectiveness are largely absent. Lack of enforcement of these aid principles has frequently been noted in TA projects and activities”.


Full report:file:///F:/Back%20Up%20C%20drive/Downloads/RoA%20Full%20Report%202016%20ecopy.pdf