Workshop on Development Effectiveness/GPEDC by VOICE

:: Workshop on Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation’s (GPEDC) 3rd Monitoring Round in Bangladesh ::

On Wednesday, 24th April 2019 from 0900 to 1600 hrs at the Women’s Voluntary Association (WVA) in Dhaka.

This is an invitation only event, please email to [email protected] to get an invitation.

:: Detail Information ::

As the Country Focal Point for 3rd Round Monitoring of Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC), and member of Civil Society Organizations (CSO) Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE), VOICE has been engaging with the activities of development effectiveness in Bangladesh.

GPDEC’s monitoring framework tracks country-level progress in implementing the four internationally agreed effective development co-operation principles: (1) country ownership; (2) focus on results, (3) inclusive partnerships and transparency; and (4) mutual accountability to one another.

This year, the GPEDC is carrying out the Third Monitoring Round. The CPDE, which represents civil society organizations in the GPEDC Steering Committee, mobilizes CSOs to engage the monitoring process to ensure accountability of all development actors in their EDC commitments.

We are going to organize this day-long workshop as part of this year’s monitoring activities.

The objectives of the workshop are,

    To monitor country-level improvements in implementing the effective development co-operation (EDC) principles;
    To look at the trend on development actors deal with the principles at the country level and find the evidence;
    To prepare a country report taking input from the CSOs and development stakeholders based on the input provided by the actors and contribute to the regional and global synthesis report.

We are pleased to invite you/ your colleague(s) to participate in the workshop. We trust you have a greater role to contribute to the process based on your longstanding experiences in the field of development and also being an important development stakeholder. If you’ve missed the email/ mail invitation sent earlier, please drop us an email, we will invite you.

We look forward to your participation and contributions to enrich the workshop.