Voices for Interactive Choice and Empowerment (VOICE), a right-based research and advocacy organization organized a day long local level capacity building workshop on ‘Digital safety and security’ in Mymensingh divisional city on October 30, 2021. The workshop participants were from a wide range of CSO groups including journalists, human rights defenders, social activists, women rights activists, academician, university going youths and social change makers etc. This workshop was held in Regional Human Resource Development Centre of Proshika in the city.
The workshop was facilitated by Tanvir Hassan Zoha, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT) as the key digital safety expert; Also, Mojibur Rahman Mintu, independent digital safety consultant and Editor of Aninda Bangla took different sessions while Ahmed Swapan Mahmud, Executive Director, VOICE and Abtab Khan Shawon from VOICE co-facilitated the workshop.

The focus of this training was to sensitize and enhance knowledge of the participants on how digital safety and security have become a huge concern in recent times. Internet users are facing serious threats because of massive surveillance. Also, netizens face technical troubles because of unawareness about using digital devices safe and securely. The objective of this training was to sensitize and build capacity of local level journalists, human rights defenders, activists, educators and CSOs for their online privacy and protection of personal data and to make an impact on responsible use of the internet and make the community more technology friendly including digital hygiene..
The workshop provided hands-on training on Introduction to digital security and how the internet works, Mobile phone security, awareness and preparation on digital hygiene. Also the workshop covered topics like data backup, passwords, password manager and 2FA, end to end encryption and mobile communication in details.

Through this capacity building workshop that also focused on digital hygiene helped participant secure their data and enable them for the best use of technology. And they become more conscious about their personal data protection and safety including basic use of technology keeping them safe and secured.