Workshop Held over Ensuring Safety for Journalists

A day-long training workshop was held today over ensuring physical safety, digital security and managing the high-risk environment for journalists.

The training session titled ”Defending freedom of expression and ensuring safety and security of Journalists” was organized by VOICE, a rights-based organization at the Zilla Parishad Auditorium in Jamalpur.

Speakers at the program expressed serious concern over rising incidents of attacks on journalists along with challenges they face while exposing corruption, human rights abusee.

More than 30 working journalists of the district participated in the workshop with District Commissioner of Jamalpur Md. Enamul Haque on the chair.

”Media in Bangladesh is aggressive and vibrant. The safety of journalists has become a concern in the country. Incidents of attacks on journalists are rising that must be stopped soon,” Enamul Haque said.

Md. Abtab Khan Shawon, research and monitoring associate of VOICE said ”Bangladesh probably doesn’t have a high number of killings of journalists, but in terms of threat and physical assault, no doubt, Bangladesh remains at the list of one of the top countries.”

”Furthermore, when it comes to impunity for crimes against journalists, Bangladesh holds a very bad ranking,” he added.

Faruq Faisal, Regional Director of Article 19 presented the analysis of the country situation based on human rights and freedom of expression, legal instruments and challenges of journalists.

Jamalpur Press Club president Hafiz Raihan Sada, senior journalist Mostafa Babul  and Rafiqul Montu were present at the trainning.